Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Nikon D7000 firmware upgrade

If anyone has a doubt as what's happening during the D7K firmware upgrade please see the screenshots of it. It doesn't change the camera's settings (like custom U1, U2, or any other settings). If you want to save your settings then please refer the user manual for it.

D7000 firmware A: 1.03 / B:1.04


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

After 6 years of excellent service I decided to sell my good old Nikon D50.

I was very lucky that someone bought it from me, even if the internal flash did not work
6 év kiváló szolgálat után úgy döntöttem hogy itt az ideje hogy eladjam a Nikon D50-emet.

Szerencsém volt mert megvette valaki tõlem a gépet, úgy hogy a bépített vaku már nem is mûködött

The Next candidate is the Nikon D7000

Friday, March 09, 2012

Bike parts 1. - Seatpost / Néhány kerékpár alkatrész 1. - nyeregcső

English (this is not google translate, these are my own words ;-)

I just would like to talk about couple of new parts I'm going to install on my bike.
First of all let's see the seatpost. I was searching for the net for suspenion seatposts and found couple of versions, but one brought my attention. It is the CaneCreek's Thudbuster.

This looks very impressive and you can change the elastomer according to your weight. But I've doubt you can buy this in Hungary. Or you can probably order it but it is very expensive (plus shipping), roughly £150 ~52,000HUF


Néhány új kerékpáros alkatrészrõl írok amiket már vagy beszereltem vagy még most fogok betenni.
ELõször is a nyeregcsõrõl néhány szó.
Böngésztem a netet rugós nyeregcső után és ráakadtam a CaneCreek Thudbuster nevű termékére.
Elég jól néz ki és cserélhető az elasztomer a testsúlynak megfelelően.
De kétlem hogy Magyarországon ez beszerezhető - illetve megrendelhető de nagyon drága, kb. £150 ~52,000HUF

So I kept searching the net and finally I've found the suntour's seatpost.
It was quite cheap, 8,700HUF ~ £24
Please see some more photos about it below

Szóval tovább böngésztem a netet és rátaláltam a Suntour nyeregcsövére.
Viszonylag olcsó volt, 8,700HUF ~ £24
Néhány további kép:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Bicycle Geometry

They’ve stolen my very comfortable bike a few months ago. Having problems with my back (herniated discs) it was the only bike I could ride with no pain or any side affects.

So the task is t find a bike whcih would be exactly the same in geometry what my bike was. Why my stolen bike is so unique? Because it had a seat tube angle of around 71°. I have browsed through tons of web pages of bike manufacturers but in 95% the frame geometries use a standard 73°+/-0,5° seat tube angle.

I then luckily captured a TV series on the Discovery Channel, where Mark Beaumont cycled through the World and later Americas. Meanwhile I was watching the episodes I just realised that the bike he is using has a very flat seat tube angle. I made screnshots of his bike from the TV and finally found that he has a KOGA bicycle.

I then searched for the KOGA’s and found that they have exactly the same bike frame what I need. These bikes are the KOGA Randonneur and KOGA Traveller (not the World Traveller), because these have the same 71°seat tube angle.

More importantly I’ve found that KOGA is the ONLY bike manufacturer which decreases the seat tube angle when moving to larger frame sizes, other manufacturers usually leave the same seat tube angle constant regardless of the frame size.

So what’s the issue? The issue is that a KOGA bike cost a lot, they are very expensive. My bike worth of 50.000HUF or £140 or €163 ,while a KOGA costs £1.799 or €1.999. This is more then 10 times more of the value of my stolen bike!!!

I can not afford to spend such an amount of money to buy a new bike so I either give up bicycling forever or have to start spare money in the upcoming years.

However because of my back problems it was a very good tool to exercise my back muscles so it was not only about the bicycling but more about my health!!

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Saját recept - bár lehet hogy már van ilyen, de az egyik este dobtam össze és igen jó lett. Mézes szilvás hús vagy valami ilyesmi

  • csirekemell vagy csirekecomb kb. 1/2-1kg
  • szilva (nem aszalt, hanem 'rendes')
  • fűszerek (só, bazsalikom, bors)
  • egy kis bor, kb. 1/2dl
  • márványsajt (a sajtos verzióhoz)
  • méz
  • cukor
  • banán
A húsokat besózom, borsozom, majd ízlés szerint még egyéb fűszerekkel ízesítem (oregánó, bazsalikom) majd állni hagyom kb. negyedórát. Ezután bekenem a húsokat mézzel, majd nagy lángon hirtelen átsütöm (max1 perc), hogy aranybarana legyen mindkét oldala.

A szilvát ki kell magozni, majd egy kis mézet és cukrot kell rá tenni, összekeverni és állni hagyni.

A már megpirított húsokat kivajazott tepsibe tesztem, majd rá a szilvát és a levét. Ezután beteszem sütőbe 170°C-on 20 percig sütöm fóliával letakarva. Egy kis vizet lehet még hozzátenni hogy jobban párolódjon. A boros változatba fél deci bort lehet tenni, illetve egy kis márványsajtot.

A 20 perc elteltével leveszem a fóliát és még 10 percig sütöm 200°C-on hogy egy kicsit még piruljon a hús. A sajtosra rászórom a márványsajtot és akkor veszem ki a kész ételt ha a sajt már megpirult egy kicsit.

'Normál változat'
Sütés előtt

Sütés után

Boros, sajtos változat
Sütés előtt

Sütés után

Monday, July 27, 2009

LG W2234S

I just recently purchased the LG W2234S widescreen LCD monitor. It was very nice, I could attach very easily to my existing PC.
I have just started using it, but after an hour usage I started to feel dizzy. I have never experienced such a problem with an LCD monitor before. I use 17" Dell monitor at my workplace and watching it 8-10 hours a day with NO problem.
So I switched back the LG to my old 19" CRT. After two days I decided to give it a try and started to use the LG again. Unfortunately nothing has changed, still have the dizzy feeling.
I do not know what's wrong with this LG monitor, I tried it in different settings, but got the same experience each time.
One thing I noticed is that I definitely have this feeling when I'm reading text on white background. However I have tried different white balance settings and changed the RGB scheme, still did not help.
Do you have similar experience with this monitor? I'm interested in the solution of this problem. Any suggestions?